The Brief / Anthony Nolan / NHS Stem Cell Registry Annual Review
The Brief / Specsavers / Coochie Hart / Kerry Harrison
LPA/, LPA/Production, The Briefadminadvertising photography, behind the scenes photoshoot, child photography, kids expressions, kids images, location photography, north london photoshoot, photography agency, scary hats and glasses, specsavers campaigns, specsavers capaigns, the brief
The Brief / Edwardian Group London / ED.G.E. / Saatchi Masius / Iain Crockart
Iain Crockart, LPA/, LPA/Photographers, LPA/Production, The Briefadminadvertising photographer, advertising photography, behind the scenes, commercial photography, Edwardian Group London, hobbies and passions, hotel employees, Iain Crockart, london photographer, on a photoshoot, passions and hobbies in workplace, photography agency, photography brief, photography production, photoshoot styling, Portrait photographer, professional work, the brief, work and play, workplace hobbies
The Brief / Toby Carvery / JWT / Sam Stowell
LPA/, LPA/Production, The Briefadminadvertising photography, behind the scenes, commercial photography, food studio, home economist, how to produce a shoot, how to write a brief, lpa productions, people photography, photoshoot, photoshoot glossary, publicity photography, reportage photography, Sam Stowell, shoot productions, studio, stylist, the brief
The Brief / Julian Calverley / SiS / Lionhouse
LPA/, LPA/Photographers, The Briefadminadvertising photography, chris hoy, commercial photography, Corporate photography, Endurance drink, helen jenkins, Julian Calverley, lifestyle photography, lionhouse, Nutrition, publicity photography, science in sport, sis, the brief