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The Brief / WCRS / The Department of International Trade / Nick David
LPA/, Nick David, The Briefadminadvertising photography, authentic, brief, commercial photography, genuine, goverment, government campaign, photoshoot, Production, real models, shoot location
The Brief / Seven Stones / GE / Julian Calverley
The Brief / Williams Lea / Highways England / Julian Calverley
The Brief / Neo / Motor Neurone Disease Association
LPA/, LPA/Photographers, Patrick Harrison, The BriefadminCharity Photography, commercial photographer, commercial stylist, Lisa Pritchard Agency, motor neurone disease, neo, Patrick Harrison, photography brief, rosalind keep, the brief
The Brief / Addison Group / Perfetti Van Melle / Nick David
Charlie Cave, LPA/, LPA/Photographers, LPA/Production, Nick David, The Briefadminaddison group, behind the scenes photoshoot, charlie cave, Claire Louise, commericial photographer, Corporate photography, lifestyle photographer, Lisa Pritchard Agency, lpa blog, Nick David, perfetti van melle, photography agency london, photography agent london, photoshoot brief, photoshoot brief example
The Brief / Skoda / Key Parker / Julian Calverley