LPA Futures / Roman Sakovich / The Future Has Passed

Roman Sakovich's recent personal project takes a look at the modernist architecture around London. When asked to describe modernism, Roman describes its mission as underlining the 'technological process and the modernization of society, which began at the turn of 20th century. But now this futuristic revolution has passed, modernist architecture is associated with working class and a lot of buildings are getting knocked down. Now we have passed the futuristic vision and entered the stage of totally new evolution. However in my eyes it still looks beautiful, so I am in the process of creating a series to highlight the forgotten but not quite lost beauty of modernist architecture.'

Mission accomplished Roman, these shots make us see our urban landscape with fresh eyes.


© Roman Sakovich


© Roman Sakovich


© Roman Sakovich


© Roman Sakovich


© Roman Sakovich


© Roman Sakovich