Nick Daly/Pfizer/Huntsworth Health

Nick Daly works his magic on a shoot for Pfizer, commissioned by Huntsworth Health. LPA Production had the task of sourcing various locations, 4 puppies and a model with a beard who was willing to shave it off for the shoot. Sam Norman (LPA Style) did a great job of creating beautifully subtle make-up and Natasha Freeman (LPA Style) styled the models in a very natural, believable way.

Chris Owens, Senior Art Director at Huntsworth Health shares his appreciation;

‘The shoot was a fun, interesting day. We had 4 puppies to deal with and a model who had a beard at the start of a day. We also had rain for the golf shot. The final images look great and my client is very happy.

I enjoy working with Nick, he always adds something extra to my ideas.’

© Nick Daly

© Nick Daly

© Nick Daly