LPA Style / Introducing Victoria Poland & Kajsa Soderlund

Here at LPA we have recently welcomed two new faces to our LPA Style division, these are Hair & Make-Up Artist Victoria Poland and Stylist Kajsa Soderlund. Victoria is especially gifted with her special effects, though her versatility is proven by her excellent fashion and portraiture work as well. Victoria has vast experience working on stills and moving image with some fabulous famous faces. We very much look forward to finding her some great work at LPA.



Kajsa's Swedish sense of design and inherent style is evident within her work which is both versatile as well as being coherent. She is equally gifted in styling props and interiors as she is with styling clothing, whilst she effortlessly adapts her style to the shoot in question. We are sure Kajsa will be a great new addition to the team here at LPA!

