LPA / Pop Up Agent Open Day / Wednesday 21st May


As one of the UK's most well known agents, did you know LPA offers a unique 'Pop Up Agent' service to photographers who aren't represented?

Two of the main benefits of having an agent are:

- We can give you some honest feedback on your portfolio, how suitable it is for the commercial market and how it might develop into more commissions.

- We can negotiate shoot fees, expenses and contracts and oversee all shoot logistics so you can just get on with taking the pictures.

LPA provides both these services to photographers without agents as part of its LPA Portfolio Reviews and LPA Production divisions.

For a full menu and price list of either of these 'Pop Up' Agent services please get in touch with us at bryony@lisapritchard.com

To give you a little taster of what we can offer, we are pleased to announce our first ever Pop Up Agent Open Day. WHEN: Wednesday 21st May 2014 TIME: Slots between 10 am - 6 pm WHERE: LPA HQ, EC1 WHAT: 15 minutes folio review followed by 15 minutes production chat


If you are interested please get in touch with us at bryony@lisapritchard.com Places are limited. Deadline is 7th May. We'll let you know by 9th May as to whether you have a slot.



The Portfolio Review element of the day is a taster of what a full length Portfolio Review at LPA would be like.

Each month Lisa Pritchard, founder of LPA, offers one to one sessions at the LPA HQ in central London, which entail an honest appraisal of your photography and photography brand. The only agent in town to offer this service, book your slot now as place are limited.

So, whether you'd just like a one hour general review, a serious editing job on your website or a full brand and marketing overhaul we can help.

Here is what photographer Nathan Gallagher had to say about the reviews: "A visit to Lisa Pritchard Agency was exactly what I needed to help me progress as a photographer. I found their knowledge and experience invaluable and would recommend their service to anyone looking to move their photographic business forward."



© Nathan Gallagher



During your one to one session the team will also explain more about LPA Production and what it can offer you.

Covering every element of your shoot, whatever the budget, timescale or nature of your project, just some of our services include:

- Estimating usage fees (as consultant or negotiator) - Estimating production expenses - Securing funds in advance - Dealing with all paperwork from estimate to final invoice to client - Scheduling, preproduction and shoot - Hiring crew - Casting - Styling - Location scouting - Permits and releases - Moving Image - Travel and accommodation - Catering - Call sheets - Post production - Budget reconciliation/final billing - Negotiating additional usage

We effortlessly take care of all the red tape leaving you to get on with the creative side!

Read more here about LPA Production services.
