LPA Futures / Oliver Haupt / Dog Walking

We all know that everyone (well nearly everyone) loves dogs. LPA Futures Oliver Haupt definitely does, shooting these cute images in his hometown of  sunny Madrid.  Playing with perspective, Oliver has shot the images from above to create an interesting relationship between man and his dog. Oliver also used his great post-production skills to manipulate his shadow and remove any trace of this particular stroll being a shoot. We love this project and Oliver definitely loved these canines as he ended up adopting all of them from his local dog rescue centre!

oliver-haupt-dog-walk-01-web © Oliver Haupt

oliver-haupt-dog-walk-03-web © Oliver Haupt

oliver-haupt-dog-walk-07-web © Oliver Haupt

oliver-haupt-dog-walk-08-web © Oliver Haupt

oliver-haupt-dog-walk-09ok-web © Oliver Haupt