Live Ask an Agent at Somerset House/World Photo London

Last Sunday Lisa hosted Live Ask an Agent at Somerset House, London as part of World Photo London. Inspired by Ask an Agent, a monthly feature on the LPA blog and photography’s first agony aunt, the live Q&A session answered 6 preselected questions about the photography business and inspired some lively debate!

We’ll be posting the full answers here on the blog over the next 6 weeks so watch this space.

Just to give you a taster of what’s coming up questions included-

• What sort of investment do you need to put in after college to get yourself into a position where ad and design agencies- or even agents- take you seriously?

• I have heard that without an agent it is unlikely that you will get to see an art buyer or art director with your book or get commissions from advertising agencies. Is this true?

• I’m graduating in the summer and want to get work producing shoots. How can I get people to notice what I have to offer and not just be seen as recent graduate?

• I hear with many agents that without a good client base your chances of being represented are not good, I’m sure this is not the case with all agents but that seems to be the general consensus. Is this generally true and how does a photographer best approach an agent with a view to representation?

• If you stick to shooting only your personal vision will you end up in the commercial wilderness?

• Can you explain the different types of licences?

Thanks so much to all those that sent questions, came along to the event and followed the action on our live twitter stream - it was great fun!

The regular Ask an Agent monthly spot will return on the 2nd July and thereafter the first Monday of each month. So please carry on sending your questions to and we’ll answer as many as we can.

Main Image © Honeybunn Photography

Image on projection © Simon Tomkinson