Julian Calverley / #iPhoneonly

LPA photographer, Julian Calverley, has recently surprised himself with the power of his iPhone camera having always considered his 'professional' camera equipment the only choice. Normally shooting on an incredibly enviable set-up (for the geeks among you - an ALPA 12 STC camera with tilt adaptor and a PhaseOne IQ180 back), we asked him what he loved about his phone camera.

He responded, 'The spontaneous and portable nature of the iPhone, plus the availability of some neat image processing apps, makes it a powerful and fun tool, capable of some surprisingly good results... I was finding myself photographing simple scenes, things that I would have ordinarily passed by, making simple observations. It became liberating.'

We love the results and between us all decided that they'd make a great addition to his portfolio pages which you can see below.

You can follow Julian's phone adventures on EyeEm, his profile name is @juliancalverley.


