How to Commission a Photographer / Part 10: After the Shoot. What happens now?
Part 10: After the shoot. What happens now?
Well that’s pretty much all on this series on commissioning photography, I hope you’ve enjoyed it. I was going to end on ‘The Day of the Shoot’ but our work isn’t quite over, so let’s just tie up those loose ends.
• Delivering the final images
Throughout the shoot the photographer, art director and client may shortlist their favourite shots, but often there isn’t time to select the final images on a busy shoot day. Often other parties who can’t be on set need to give their final approval anyway. So, straight after the shoot the photographer will usually send over all the low-resolution files and the final images can be chosen.
We don’t generally restrict a client to using a limited amount of images from the shoot, but each image that is required will need a certain amount of post-production. This can range from basic colour correcting to more complex retouching.
© Katrina on set for Aldi
The post-production is usually priced per image in the original estimate or based on a pre-agreed number of images and work. Occasionally clients ask for all the RAW or low-resolution files on a hard drive.
• The invoice
Sorry to bring up the dirty subject of money and payment, but after the shoot we’ll send you the final bill. We’ll collate all the invoices from our suppliers, tally up the shoot expenses and reconcile any pre-shoot advances, making sure it’s all within budget of course (see Part 4: The Cost of a Photoshoot.How we work it all out). Normal payment terms are then 30 days. Our invoice is also our final contract, it includes our business terms that were sent with the original estimate and also serves as the licence to use the images - so keep it in a safe place (see Part 6: Photoshoot Contracts. Photographers terms and conditions).
• Releases and permits
As agents we will keep all the important ‘paperwork’ on file, such as model releases and property releases (see Part 7: Photoshoot Legal Obligations and Codes of Practice). If we have street cast models we will send you a copy of the model releases they have signed.
© Alexis Ko / Baileys X Grind
• Contracts
Occasionally a client will send us a contract after the shoot. Ideally we need to see any contracts before we agree to take on the job but it’s usually the use suspects ( copyright) that need ot be addressed. The terms upon which parties agree to engage in a business arrangement need to be mutually agreed before we begin, so our full terms are sent with our estimate (see Part 6: Photoshoot Contracts. Photographers terms and conditions).
• Promoting the images
Usually, we can’t wait to start promoting the shoots our photographers have been commissioned for. But don’t worry, we’re ever mindful about confidentiality. We always double-check with the creative agency and/or client that the images have been released before we start to show them off.
• Additional usage
Commissioned photography is based on specific usage licences (see Part 4: The Cost of a Photoshoot. How we work it all out). Once the usage has expired a client can negotiate an additional or extended usage licence with us should they need it. We sometimes notice image/s being used out of licence, often as a result of a model spotting themselves on a poster or a website somewhere, or a photographer seeing their work in a magazine. We can then still agree on an extended usage licence but you’d be in a stronger negotiating position if this is agreed upon before the usage expires. We state in our terms and conditions that the usage period starts from first usage of images or 6 months after the shoot date whichever is sooner.
• Stay in touch
The shoot process can be a great bonding experience. The team at LPA, the art buyer, project manager or client, the photographer, the agency creative - suddenly you are all part of a team with a common goal and a deadline! (see Part 5: Timings. The production process) A lot of our shoots are commissioned because our clients have worked with us or our photographers before, and have had a good experience. This is the way most businesses work it seems. Working with the same people regularly somehow makes the whole process easier. Our photographers are always updating their portfolios and shooting new work so we’ll keep you posted and make sure we stay in touch!
© Tim Jobling / Rowans
Well, that’s our bit done and dusted. We’ve found you the perfect photographer, worked out the costs, planned a realistic schedule, negotiated the contracts, hired an A-Team crew, been mindful of legal and insurance matters, ensured a relaxed and fun shoot day, delivered the images on time and stayed within budget – looking forward to working with you (again) !
Thanks for reading!!
“How to Commission a Photographer” is written by Lisa Pritchard, the owner and founder of LPA. Lisa is also the author of “Setting Up a Successful Photography Business’’ (Published by Bloomsbury, available on Amazon), the UK’s best selling book on how to become a professional photographer. She also has the sequel ‘’Running A Successful Photography Business’’ (available via Amazon).
Although the author has made every effort to ensure that the information in this blog post is correct, the contents are provided without warranty as to their accuracy, may be of a general nature and the opinion of the author only. The author or any contributor will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
The images used in this article are for illustrative purposes only and do not necessarily correlate with specific facts or examples cited in the text.