How to Commission a Photographer? Part 1: Why Commission
Part 1: Why Commission? 10 Good Reasons to Commission Original Photography. In the first part of our handy guide we look at 10 good reasons to commission photography.
The age old saying of "a picture is worth a thousand words" is truest for photography. No one can deny that image brings things alive, it’s a very powerful tool. It’s probably the first thing that captures the attention and the last thing that is remembered on a piece of communication. It goes without saying that customers are more likely to contact a business if there is photography in the marketing, they are more likely to buy a product if there is a picture rather than just a description and people are more likely to read an article if it’s illustrated.
So, whether the images entice you to buy something by simply making it look delicious …
© Martin Lomas / Yep Kitchen
Grab your attention, making you want to
© Orlando Gili / Night Tube in Vice
Or whether they convey the entire personality of your brand, connect with a target audience and communicate essential core values...
© Jack Abbott / RSPCA is undeniably one of the strongest and quickest ways of communicating.
You now have two choices, you can choose some stock photography from a photolibrary or maybe an archive, or you can commission your own tailor- made, original photography by a selected photographer. Of course, there might be the occasional situation where you really have no option and need to use existing imagery, a 2 hour deadline, an £80 budget for example. But, and I think most would agree, commissioning photography has got to be the preferred way to go!
Here are 10 very good reasons for commissioning photography:
1) The final images need to include something unique to the brand, advertiser or story. Often it’s necessary to portray something specific in the photography. This could be a product or a service, a client’s actual customers or employees, a company logo or location, or something specific featured in an editorial story or press release.
© Tim Dunk / Rubica
2) You can guarantee no one else will use the same image at the same time. Whilst you are looking through a gazillion stock images don’t forget that it's likely that your competitors are too! Literally hundreds of websites can use the same image at the same time. Of course you could pay for an exclusive usage licence but then you might as well pay to commission your own shoot.
3) Commissioned photography gives consistency to the overall look of your communication. A website, brochure, OOH campaign will have more appeal and give a stronger impression if the imagery is by the same photographer and therefore consistent. A recognisable signature look to all the photography will be much more memorable and identifiable to the brand. You can even add to some motion directed by the same photographer to give it some extra oomph.
© Pat Harrison / CRUK
4) Commissioned photography gives a brand a unique personality and defines it against the competition. Whether that ‘personality’ is relaxed and natural...
Ⓒ Nick David / Senior Swimmers
...or clean, clear and bright
© Tim Jobling / Telegraph Magazine
5)You can tailor make the end image to meet your exact needs. From the look of the model, to the styling, to the negative space to work with your copy. You don’t have to make any compromises and the end result will be exactly as you envisioned it.
6) It can be cheaper than buying stock. Let’s say you require a bank of up to 100 rights managed images and an all media, worldwide buyout, this would be extortionate from a photo library. A 3 or 4 day shoot, for example, could achieve as many images, and depending on the brief could be a cheaper option and much better value for money.
7) It can be quicker. Say you were faced with having to search for those 100 images mentioned above, every image needing to encapsulate the values of a brand, it would take weeks, maybe months, even if it was possible at all. I’m sure you’ve got better things to be doing with your time than searching through thousands of images, when you could just hand us the brief!
8) You protect yourself from issues with model or property release. You may come across your ideal shot but it doesn’t have a release for commercial purposes, you don’t really want to risk any legal repercussions down the line. When a shoot is produced by an experienced producer (such as LPA Production!) you don’t need to worry about this.
9) You can create something award winning, that is all your creation.
10) Photoshoots are creatively fulfilling and fun! The whole process, from writing the brief through to the casting and choosing the location, wardrobe and props, not to mention being on set on the shoot, is often an immensely enjoyable experience. Plus, collaboration with like-minded creatives and a team of professionals can be really rewarding.
© Nic Kane / Center Parcs
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Next week...Finding the Right Photographer for your Shoot.