LPA Style / Moving Image / Sony Futurescapes

Last year LPA Style's hair and make-up artist Sam Norman and LPA stylist Charlotte Williams worked on an exciting series of moving image pieces with the creative digital agency Large Blue and Sony. The concept behind the series of short films named 'Futurescapes' was to imagine what the future might be like in 2025 and how technology might support new lifestyles. Charlotte tells us a bit about what it was like: 'Working on the Futurescapes project was a lot of fun once I had got my head around the brief. I was given four scenarios of how one woman’s life might be in the future, each one very different to the next. The challenge for Sam and I was to create four very different looks to reflect the lifestyle of each future. I particularly enjoyed sourcing the clothes and accessories for the fashion designer’s look in scenario 1: http://vimeo.com/39696098. One of the highlights of this shoot was working in some fantastic locations, my favourite being the glass fronted house overlooking Highgate cemetery.'

You can see all 4 versions of the Futurescapes on our vimeo page: http://vimeo.com/user6804207/videos

Take a look at the trailer below to see a snippet of each film. Great work ladies!
