Ask An Agent / Best Selling Guide to being a Photographer!

The usual monthly Ask An Agent resumes this week and the question I'm going to answer is one I get asked regularly : 'Is there a business guide available for photographers?'

Yes indeed there is! Having worked with photographers for more than 20 years I was aware there wasn't really a user friendly guide available on photography business basics in the UK- so I decided to write my own- 'Setting Up a Successful Photography Business'  (published by A&C Black Jan 2012)

My book is a no-nonsense, step-by-step guide to setting up and running a photography business. It's aimed at anyone who wants to be a professional photographer – whether you are studying to become one, thinking of a change of career or want to know how to improve your existing photography business.

The book covers things like getting started, marketing, how to cost and organise a shoot, what legal obligations you need to be aware of , what insurance you need plus plenty of top tips to survive- all the crucial stuff. It also includes some very handy checklists, charts and business templates. Aside from me giving my honest opinion as an agent on why some photographers are successful and others aren't, the book is also packed full of words of wisdom ( and images) from photographers and commissioners working in the industry today.

I'm very proud to say 'Setting Up a Successful Photography Business' is actually the best selling book on this subject in the UK and has had some amazing reviews! Here's just a few snippets:

'Absolutely necessary reading!' Lisa Pritchard has produced a masterpiece!'- DM Breakwell

'Just buy it. It's a small investment that you can't do without.' - Marc Jacobs

'Superb book - full of gems! Buy it now!'- Matt Pickett

Available from Amazon and all good bookshops!

Don't forget to send in any questions you have on the business of photography to and I'll answer as many as I can on the blog next month.