5 Minutes With... / Anna Hutchinson / LPA Producer/Agent

This month we spent five minutes catching up with the newest member of the LPA team, Anna Hutchinson, to see how she got into the industry and what her guilty pleasures are. Here is what she had to say… 11987161_10156127714215613_2955587493730404099_n

Tell us a bit about yourself: I’m 23, a redhead and have lived all my life in Surrey. I studied Geography at the University of Exeter before travelling and pursuing a career in the photography industry.

How did you get into the photography industry? I did a lot of work experience with the editorial departments of magazines before interning at a photographic studio in South London. I then worked as a Shoot Assistant for 18 months before joining LPA as a Producer/Agent.

What’s your favourite commission from an LPA photographer? There is so much great work to choose from, but I think I’ll have to go with Sam Stowell’s alfresco dining shots for Jamie Magazine.

© Sam Stowell

And your favourite personal project? I love travelling, so Andy Smith’s personal work shot on his travels in Spain and Asia really appeal to me.

© Andy Smith

What’s your dream holiday destination? Am I allowed three? Borneo, Morocco or Paris. Although Japan and India are next on the list of places I’ve never been…

What are you most looking forward to about working at LPA? Developing my relationship with the wonderful photographers LPA represent and getting to know the team.

Tell us something about you that we don’t know? I can't wink.

Who is your favourite non-LPA photographer? Samuel Zeller, in particular his ‘Botanical’ and ‘Nature’ projects.

What is your guilty pleasure? Naps. And ice cream.

Describe yourself in three words… Friendly, determined and loyal.

What is your favourite thing to do in London? Going for dinner, there are always so many restaurants to try! When that gets too expensive or you just need a break, feeding the ducks in Hyde Park is always a good option.

Name something you hate… Sitting in the middle on an aeroplane.

What’s the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you? Never regret anything you do, it was what you wanted at the time.