5 Mins With... / Cassie Gale / LPA Producer

This month we spent five minutes catching up with our new LPA producer, Cassie Gale, to see how she got into the industry and what her guilty pleasures are. Here is what she had to say... Screen Shot 2014-06-25 at 10.40.40

- Tell us a bit about yourself Cassie? I hail from Yorkshire originally and studied Fine Art Photography at Manchester Metropolitan University. But I was tempted South by the bright lights of London as soon as I had finished my degree to pursue a career in photography.

- How did you get into the photography industry? For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be in the industry and was fortunate enough to spend three years producing for the fabulous Gary Salter.

- How have you found time at LPA so far? Amazing and hilarious, a great class room for learning more about the industry and honing my skills.

CG2 © Julian Calverley

- What’s your favourite commission from an LPA photographer? I love Kerry Harrison's 'Little Monsters and Little Angels' campaign for Specsavers.

CG1 © Kerry Harrison

- And your favourite personal project? That's a tricky one, I love Roman Sakovich's work but I'd probably say Julian Calverley's #IPHONEONLY project - the pics on my phone are never that good!

- What’s your dream holiday destination? Visiting my mum back home or for something a bit more exotic I'd say Mexico or Greece - I love Greek food!

- Tell us something about you that we don’t know… I have very small nostrils, not good when I have a cold!

- Where do you go in London for inspiration? I go for a walk, somewhere I haven’t walked before but I can spend days just getting lost and discovering the streets.

- Who is your favourite non-LPA photographer? Bettina Von Zwehl.

- What’s your guilty pleasure? Pickled onions or pickled gherkins.